
昌平中学校トップページ > Show! Hey Day! > オーストラリア短期留学レポート①




It has been only three days since I came to Australia. And I’m enjoying life in Australia. On the first day, we met Ms. Di Pietra in the airport. We ate meetpie and walked near the sea. The beach we walked is called King’s Beach. I found more birds than in Japan. I thought Australia is kind to nature. After that, we went to Grammar School. It was so large. Australian houses or buildings are so large. But short. There are not so many apartments like in japan. Even in school, there are many birds. I heard that in summer, snakes appear in school. If snakes appear in Japanese schools, it will be big news and the snakes will be killed! After I met my host family, they took me to the supermarket in Australia which is called ‘Coles.’ My host family is really nice to me. They bought me a lot. I’ve been dreaming of visiting supermarkets abroad, so one of my dreams came true! There are four pets in my host family’s house. There are two dogs and two cats. I became friends with a cat. He looks like my cat! I am really happy to have met them! On the second day, I went shopping with my host sister and host mother. We went to the Sunshine Plaza. I bought some cosmetics and the dolls of monster high. We can’t buy Monster High dolls in Japan, so when I found them I was too happy to die. I am already missing Japan and my classmates in 1-14. But I will meet the students who were in Japan so I’m really looking forward to meeting them!!!!!!! On the third day,  we went to a stationery shop and I bought some stationary. Also I bought some gifts for my friends. It was so fun!!!! I went to a music shop and I found the band score of Taylor Swift but i couldn’t buy it because it was too expensive for me. So, I bought guitar picks of Taylor. There are many PRS guitars which are my favorite guitar brand. and there is a 12 string guitar. I want to play it someday. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to Grammar School. I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to see students in Grammar School!!

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